Well, maybe not so new...but new enough. After much encouragement from friends, I've decided to add yet another technologically-enhanced form of social marketing to the list of things I really don't need to be investing all my time into. Although its fun, I've realized how consumed people can get from these "networking monsters", myself included. I am hoping this starts to develop creative flow rather than addiction. So, here goes...

I mentioned there being another meaning behind "Lunchbox Adventures". Within recent months, I had been thinking about several different things to do with my time. Without having a full-time band to pursue, and most of my friends being back in Pennsylvania, I wanted to try my hand at something new. So, what did I do? I convinced myself that I should start working on my very first children's book. And yep, you guessed it, its going to be called "Lunchbox Adventures". The plot is still in the works, but here is what I have for the concept so far: A young boy, around 8 years old, struggles to fit in with today's society...not being accepted by his peers because he is different. His mother passed away while he was still an infant, leaving his father to take care of him and his younger sister. The father has no clue how to raise two children on his own, which makes it even harder for the boy to survive in this cruel world. To cope with his adversity, the boy reverts to a beat-up, old lunch box that he found in the family's attic. Inside is nothing but a bunch of knick-nacks and random things that aren't normally in a lunch box. But rather than seeing those things, the boy sees more than that when he opens it up. He dives into all sorts of different adventures, taking on the world in almost a super hero kind of way. He uses fantasy and imagination to overcome his reality. I'm still working on the storyline, but I'm liking the concept so far.
I've been itching to start writing again, and on a bigger level this time, and I'm hoping that these blogs will be a way to get the ideas flowing, and get some feedback from people willing to comment. Besides, I wanted to share my thoughts and views with anyone who wants to listen as well and have a way for people to get a glimpse of what my life has been like up until now. I was inspired by a good friend of mine to start a blog. His name is Jacob Marshall. He's probably one of the nicest, most intelligent and talented people I know. He actually is one of the founding members of the band Mae. If you have never heard about them, I'll be posting a link at the bottom, along with Jacob's blog for you to listen and view.
Here's to one of many blogs I intend on writing. I'm hoping that they can be inspiring, insightful and even humorous at times. Looking forward to sharing a bit of my world with you.
http://mycontracrostipunctus.blogspot.com <~~Jacob's blog (very insightful too)